Jacek Juraszek
Jacek Juraszek
this is what I'm struggling as well. Any workaround?
happens also with other processors (not lambda): ``` processors { type = "MetadataExtraction" parameters { parameter_name = "JsonParsingEngine" parameter_value = "JQ-1.6" } parameters { parameter_name = "MetadataExtractionQuery" parameter_value = "{date:(.timestamp/1000...
> I found that even when setting both to non default values, I was still seeing a perpetual diff. The solution was to configure the params in this specific order...
same for sbt
for simple project with `pom` only: ``` 4.0.0 aa bb 1.0-SNAPSHOT org.locationtech.jts.io jts-io-common 1.15.1 ``` after performing: `mvn dependency:tree` I'm getting: ``` [INFO] aa:bb:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT [INFO] \- org.locationtech.jts.io:jts-io-common:jar:1.15.1:compile [INFO] +- com.googlecode.json-simple:json-simple:jar:1.1.1:compile...
yes, I can look into it next week
GeoTools uses `json-simple` in version `1.1` which has no that issue with testing dependency included in compile `scope`. On the other hand that lib is old and I mean OLD...
I've tried switching to ubuntu console and follow the guide from `README.md` but `packet-block-storage-attach` gives me nothing. Not any volumes listed