Jaejin Park
Jaejin Park
vue-mode.el use mmm-mode and it change sub-mode to major-mode ex) if i edit XXXX.vue file with vue-mode when cursor is inside of template region, major-mode changes to pug, jade, html...
i am really happy to using neovide at my workflow. before using neovide, i was a emacs user for 10 years. now, i am using neovim + lua config +...
after succesfully build emacs-ng run make install and then i've copied nextstep/Emacs.app to Application folder and tryng to install doom emacs runs doom install got these errors ``` > ~/.emacs.d/bin/doom...
cmake + visual studio 16 2019 error logs with -v option ``` >cmake --build build --target susb_cli | compiledb -v ## Processing build commands from Line 1: Failed to parse...
is embedded-graphics support add CJK language fonts ? if so, is there a tutorial or documents about it ?
i am testing a simple firmware developed by rust & renode and seems pretty cool ~~. but when i added some delay routine using RCC & Timer into code, Renode...
rasberry pi just released their new board that support wifi. https://www.raspberrypi.com/news/raspberry-pi-pico-w-your-6-iot-platform/ do we have any plan of support this new board ??
Do this plugin has a plan support composition api syntax highlight ? it will be very nice.
``` -*- mode: compilation; default-directory: "~/develop/jltech/anti_drone/dev/nodes/api_server/" -*- Comint started at Tue Nov 30 01:49:53 yarn run lint zsh:1: command not found: yarn Comint exited abnormally with code 127 at Tue...
at bottom of jira issue org file, add some of title and body execute ejira-heading-to-task ``` [error] request--callback: peculiar error: 400 [error] request-default-error-callback: https://jltechrnd.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issue/ error jiralib2--verify-status: Request failed: invalid request:...