Juan Jose Gonzalez
Juan Jose Gonzalez
I'm testing with delete records in my webapp and find this same issue ('Implement handling for 'destroyed' socket messages'). is this an error? must I make this change in my...
I have made this change in line 164 of DataModel.js and work for me. Before this change, the record is deleted but don't work the socket.
I don't get to do at least user registration with the local strategy. Can anyone guide me? Someone who has completed can share their code? Thanks
Looking for this issue I see the sails-permissions ( https://github.com/tjwebb/sails-permissions ). Do you have experince with this one? This library, could be incorporated easily into this bolierplate? I think that...
So, What do you advice me to have a 'Local/Social login + User administration with role system' with this boilerplate? Thanks in advance.
Well. It occur when I click in the 'Add new Author' button. After that appear 2 error 'E_UNKNOWN' messages in the navigator window and it show the Authors form. Then...
Where is the log file? I can't find it
Ok, thank you. I'm sorry but I'm very novice.
I start from 0. And I have found that with 'sails-disk' adapter this error does not occur. It appear when I change the adapter to my local postgresql.