Juliano Jeziorny

Results 7 comments of Juliano Jeziorny

Hi Shawn, The doc section you provided is for powershell, in my case the issue was creating the SHIR using az-cli, ultimately we can create it via the portal (and...

Looking forward to your progrss with UF-Instant. Like galvesribeiro, I have managed to obtain O5 with my provider (Orange Spain) on this device, however the device reboots after a while....

There's a collection of firmwares from a French user here , including Carlitos v1 https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6h1w2ud7k6xetpc/AABZtQngqzTqNnUvD7s3DesCa?dl=0

I have two AFM0002TIM @pmgcosta which I bought quite cheap on ebay, both working fine on UB edgerouter. One internet connection is fully working (Moviestar network) but the second won't...

> > I have two AFM0002TIM @pmgcosta which I bought quite cheap on ebay, both working fine on UB edgerouter. > > One internet connection is fully working (Moviestar network)...

> Is the right place to change ? > > lastgood > ` ` > > lastgood_hs > ` ` > > But when i check the serialnumber: > >...

HI @Strykar , how do we handle authentication to the GPON with your collector script? The web interface does not allow unauthenticated access, I've tried basic authentication (adding user:pass) to...