JinWoo Lee
JinWoo Lee
Please update cocoapod's version. There is a critical bug, so have to update latest version of GCPlaceholderTextView I love this pods. Nice job! and Thanks
home-brew said SHA1 mismatch. I attached a log for sure. ==> Installing appledoc22 from homebrew/homebrew-versions ==> Downloading https://github.com/tomaz/appledoc/archive/v2.2.tar.gz ###### ################################################################## 100.0% Error: SHA1 mismatch Expected: 4ad475ee6bdc2e34d6053c4e384aad1781349f5e Actual: b427506bdefc97b224fd0f873ff87b8d11ce4aec Archive: /Library/Caches/Homebrew/appledoc22-2.2.tar.gz...
StdFee doesn't apply on signAmino function. ``` const fee: StdFee = { amount: [{ amount: gasPrice.amount.multiply(Uint53.fromString(gasLimit.toString())).toString(), denom: chainInfo[chainId].denom, }, { amount: "50", denom: "uusd", }], gas: gasLimit.toString(), }; ``` If...