
Results 10 issues of jjallaire

Hi there, we recently added some integration with the Julia extension within the Quarto () extension for VS Code. Quarto is a literate programming / publishing system built on Pandoc...


I'm hoping to write a post for the RStudio blog soon about custom R Markdown formats and as part of that want to point to formats currently available on CRAN...

e.g. see this code: http://bl.ocks.org/Rokotyan/0556f8facbaf344507cdc45dc3622177

Since CloudML has a limit of 250MB. See recommendations here: https://cloud.google.com/ml-engine/docs/deploying-models


Hi there! Quarto is a new scientific markdown publishing system. It's based on pandoc and TLDR is a cross-language / cross-engine version of R Markdown. More details here: I noted...


Our markdown environment supports the inclusion of latex equations using $...$ syntax. This creates the need for users to be able to escape $ characters. Certainly understand if you don't...

This could be done by treating storyboards as an alternate page navigation scheme (i.e. create storyboard panels rather than add pages to the navbar).


@rbresearch I just made a change to the Gallery which causes articles to fail if they stop with an error. After doing this I noticed that the following expression from...


If I add an `export_savedmodel()` call to this script: https://github.com/rstudio/tfestimators/blob/master/vignettes/examples/mnist.R The I get the following warning after calling export_savedmodel: WARNING:tensorflow:Export includes no default signature!