This mostly means to make the type-checker capable of dealing with SMT-LIB files of all logics. It is already implemented but not yet robust enough.
make Typefuzz more robust as it fails on several benchmarks Related issues: #31 , #33, #34
This makes the typechecker fail (but z3 and cvc4 are happy with it): ```smt (declare-fun x () Int) (assert (=> (= x 3) (forall ((x Int)) (let ((?y x)) (=...
Some regex constants, i.e., re.none, re.all, and re.allchar, from the config/generalization.txt need some special treatment as they are constants. At the moment, when they are used, extra '(' and ')'...
The rule for "(par (A) (id A A))" might be enabled too infrequently as there are many other rules in the config rule. Not sure what would be the best...