Hi ranjaykrishna, I love your excellent project, your code is really elegant. I'm trying to reuse your code, but I met some problems with the batch size(by default that is...
Wow, a great work, I wonder there is a corresponding paper about MDMM?
I followed the Readme and download pretrained model from this url: https://github.com/jcjohnson/pytorch-vgg, but a problem was reported because of unligned index of weight. I modified the code as follow: `...
From my observation, you modified the data augmentation code from the caffe version. But it still cannot run on GPU. How can I do it by GPU or multi-CPU? Thanks.
Hi, I am extracting the optical flow of ActivityNet dataset. All videos have been processed successfully except for about 20 of them. For these video, empty folders would be created....
Hi, Yunpeng, have you tried to insert your MF block into bigger networks, e.g. ResNet 152?