Jishnu Bhattacharya

Results 183 issues of Jishnu Bhattacharya

This improves the type inference of the temporary variable `y`. MWE, on master ```julia julia> struct A end julia> struct B end julia> struct C end julia> Base.:(+)(::A, ::B) =...

https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/blob/742b9abb4dd4621b667ec5bb3434b8b3602f96fd/base/docs/basedocs.jl#L1657 The type assertion on the second argument seems to indicate that the type `T` of the input argument should be passed, but in reality it's `Tuple{T}`. E.g: ```julia julia>...


Certain structured matrix types are actually permitted as arguments to `ldiv!` and `rdiv!` despite the admonition against using matrices as arguments, so it's best to be clear about this. E.g....

Struct does not get displayed if it contains a labelled array with mixed types. ``` julia> using LabelledArrays julia> T = @SLVector (:x,:y,:z) SLArray{Tuple{3},1,(:x, :y, :z),T} where T julia> T(1,2,3.4)...

On `v1.8` ```julia julia> Sys.BINDIR "/home/jishnu/packages/julias/julia-1.8/bin" julia> Revise.juliadir "/home/jishnu/packages/julias/julia-1.8/share/julia" ``` On `v1.9` ```julia julia> Sys.BINDIR "/home/jishnu/packages/julias/julia-latest/bin" julia> Revise.juliadir "/" (@v1.9) pkg> st Revise Status `~/.julia/environments/v1.9/Project.toml` [295af30f] Revise v3.3.3 ``` This...

See https://github.com/jishnub/SphericalHarmonics.jl/pulls?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Apr, where there appears to be a new PR everyday suggesting the same change. Not sure what brought this on.


Currently extrapolation offers boundary conditions such as `Line()` that are not ideally suited to working with noisy data. It might be preferable to compute the extrapolation using a fit to...

After this, the following is type-inferred ```julia julia> x=Fun(Chebyshev(0..1)) Fun(Chebyshev(0..1),[0.5, 0.5]) julia> u1 = 0.5*one(x) Fun(Chebyshev(0..1),[0.5]) julia> u2 = 0.5*one(x) Fun(Chebyshev(0..1),[0.5]) julia> N_dep = (u1,u2) -> [ u1(0)*u1(0)*u1(0) - 0.125;...

```julia julia> using SnoopCompileCore julia> invalidations = @snoopr using Polynomials; julia> using SnoopCompile julia> trees = invalidation_trees(invalidations); julia> length(trees) 6 julia> trees[end].method convert(::Type{T}, p::P) where {T, P trees[end-1].method promote_rule(::Type{

In a project directory at ```console abcd/ $ pwd /home/jishnu/Dropbox/JuliaPackages/abcd ``` I launch julia using ```console abcd/ $ julia-1.8 --project=. ``` In julia ```julia julia> LOAD_PATH 4-element Vector{String}: "@" "/tmp/jl_ztlVMr"...