已提交了一版pull request 以修复本issue 不知道如何关联这个issue(或许不关联也没事?) 第一次提交,还请各位大佬麻烦看看是否更正,多谢~
ps: version 6.9.1
> thanks for answer But I think I need a normal way to record the ipykernel logs only in an online service. I found too much outputs when I added...
> I think you can [configure the logging](https://traitlets.readthedocs.io/en/stable/config-api.html#traitlets.config.Application.logging_config) of the `IPKernelApp`. thanks , I'm reading the document and try.
I have a question. I open the debug mode , but count not saw the log from ipykernel, I count not found the INFO level log also, such as line...