Jiří Sýkora

Results 15 issues of Jiří Sýkora

It will be nice to have swagger which seems like most commonly use documentation for api which enables auto generating api client.


I try to profile my app because i facing issue with performance (main reason why i recently switch from HAP). And i notice `NodeList.get_Length()` in `QuerySelectorAll ` is take lot...


I try SymSpell and it looks great. But one thinks I notice almost intermediately it bring dictionary file in my project (even if I do not use it). I understand...


I look at the current benchmark inside the project and I think it will be much better using [BenchmarkDotNet](https://github.com/dotnet/BenchmarkDotNet) which are used even by Microsoft for benchmarking dotnet core.


I want to render some view to string (for sending over email). But right now i don't can found way how disable injecting script (optimally with some easy way for...

**Propose** In last public Blazor are available DOM event like (onMouseMove etc..). But at least what i know currently it is not possible to register same event over main Document...


Hello could be possible to add support for 'ACCEPT_EULA' other values then 'Y'. I use seq on my local machine with swarmpit (and they by default strip ' around 'Y'...


As you wrote on twitter, that you may want to try tailwind i make this simple setup with same ui. This bring another requirement to have install tailwindcss. `npm install...

**The problem** Current version does not work with last .NET 8 **The proposed solution** Update dependencies? **Additional context** ``` warning NU1608: Detected package version outside of dependency constraint: Mapsui.Blazor 4.1.1...


Would be nice to have docs/list with all the attributes