I have checked your sample result of 420k trainning,and tried align the referr sound and the target sound,it seems that they are much different. So i really confused how the...
Hi,i have run your source code,it seems that it works well,but i have one question,for the weights of the embeddings are inited randomly,and in tranning it always select the nearest...
I generated the sine wav with pitch 200HZ of 10 S wav file and trained wavenet with 300 steps ,and the loss down to 0.001,but when i geneated the wave...
It is greate for your sharing LSTM codes.I have tried to run your programe,but there maybe some bugs in it,when i change the value of the MOMENTUM or the hidden...
Hi,I have tried to modify the code for multiple length sequences trainning like this: df=BatchData(df,self.batch_size) How to modify code to support multiple length sequences?
Hi,why the var position_ids calculated but not used : if position_ids is None: -- | position_ids = torch.arange( | past_length, | input_shape[-1] + past_length, | dtype=torch.long, | device=device, | ) ...
I implemented the code with some other source codes,Im sure that the parts are right beacase i checkd them Independently,but i got the same nan loss as you,when trained 100...
Hi! sir, i have used dynamoRIO 、pin、 some other DBI so on.Your paper and codes is the first one i think run fastest because of your nearly perfect idea。 I...
I really do not understand your code,i think that the crossentropy loss is like this: loss=-p*(log(Q/P))+(-(1-P)*log((1-Q)/(1-P))) when P=Q the loss is zero if loss=-P*(log(Q/P)) when P=Q the loss is not...