Jinloh WU
Jinloh WU
> In fact, you can enable this addon without any clsuters args, It's will be installed to all exsiting clusters by default. thx for your comments, i did not use...
Hi @wangyikewxgm , this is the result of the command. ```bash # kubectl get -n vela-system app addon-fluxcd NAME COMPONENT TYPE PHASE HEALTHY STATUS AGE addon-fluxcd fluxcd-ns k8s-objects workflowTerminated true...
btw, here is the document I followed. https://kubevela.net/zh/blog/2022/07/07/helm-multi-cluster
looks like there are 3 policies. ```bash # kubectl get -n vela-system app addon-fluxcd -oyaml | grep policies -A35 -B3 -n 3402- - --storage-adv-addr=http://fluxcd-source-controller.flux-system.svc:9090 3403- type: command 3404- type: webservice...
> As the result shows, the configuration is right. Maybe the controller cannot handle this situation. ping @Somefive thx for your help @wangyikewxgm. @Somefive would you please help us to...
Hi @Somefive thx for your response. it looks like cluster kind-skeet-test1( has been deleted. ```bash [root@ncs006-cwes-01 ~]# vela cluster list CLUSTER ALIAS TYPE ENDPOINT ACCEPTED LABELS local Internal - true...
Hi @Somefive , this issue has blocked us for a long time, if available, please help us. Big thx!
Hi @wangyikewxgm @Somefive , I used these steps as a workaround to pass this issue. 1. get all clusters `vela cluster ls` 2. probe these clusters one by one `vela...
Hi, exposing these two functions is more convenient and does not conflict with other parts. I have changed it in my local workspace, it works well. please help to review.
@marckhouzam thx for reviewing and helping to merge the code. I feel so glad to contribute code to a so popular project. 😃