> 感谢,分辨率设置反了_(:з」∠)_ 请问分辨率怎么设置的?目前也是同样的问题
Are there any guide to resolve this issue now? > You'll need to apply that patch on the webapp (https://github.com/advancedtelematic/ota-plus-server) build a webpp container, and make ota-community edition use that...
> This project is no longer under active development, you can use https://github.com/uptane/ota-community-edition which doesn't use a web app, or you can apply that patch to webapp yourself. > >...
> See my comments on those projects. Thank you very much! Now I can run this branch too. And the web UI can find device with qemu. But the web...
The web UI of advancedtelematic/ota-community-edition (also the local docker image of advancedtelematic/ota-plus-server) can't create update, the button of 'Create update' is missing. And I can't set ota-cli with advancedtelematic/ota-community-edition because...
Now I can use the web UI to create update. I change the UIFeature to all open in the ota-plus-server. Thank you for your reply!