Results 10 comments of Jingzheng Li

> @ljjcoder I tried on the officehome dataset with the same hyperparameters on 64x64 using the pytorch dassl repo for adamatch. I was not able to get good accuracy. Did...

hi. this good work is difficult for me, especially the part of "Edge prior model". Could you give me some advises that how i can understand the original paper. please.

> optimizer_c中优化的是vnet的参数,但是损失l_g_meta中我没有看到vnet网络的参与,我有点想不清楚网络是如何迭代的 损失l_g_meta是meta_model和vnet网络的共同参与计算的,所以是在一个计算图中的。这也是meta_model存在的意义,做一个桥梁作用。 226行: l_g_meta.backward() 这一步更新的不仅是临时模型的参数,也包含了vnet

> 你好,我就用中文回复啦。 我也觉得Tip-Adapter不能像有些算法那样可以拓展到新的类别识别的任务。 此外,你在实验中有没有发现一个问题:尽管目前大部分的paper都没有对比完全微调CLIP模型的实验结果,但我发现完全微调基于ResNet的CLIP实验效果非常差,如果是基于ViT的CLIP效果还行。我一直不能理解这个原因是什么。

> ERROR: GroundingDINO is not a valid editable requirement. It should either be a path to a local project or a VCS URL (beginning with bzr+http, bzr+https, bzr+ssh, bzr+sftp, bzr+ftp,...

I meet the same issue as you. Do you solve this issue?

> Thanks for your nice work. I load the pre-train model and get the 78.6% acc on A->W. But I'm a little confused about the Softmax function in your code....

> Thanks for your nice work. I load the pre-train model and get the 78.6% acc on A->W. But I'm a little confused about the Softmax function in your code....

> > Thanks for your nice work. I load the pre-train model and get the 78.6% acc on A->W. But I'm a little confused about the Softmax function in your...

> Hi, I'm super interested in your work, very well-deserved paper. May I ask how you extract the noun from the caption? Hi, I didn't find the code part about...