Jack Stark

Results 8 issues of Jack Stark

add the page of study Fix the css and Compatible with mobile terminal Effect of address 效果地址 http://www.51201314.me/jacks/study/ 后续 会添加超链接 或者其他显示效果

hexo g Unhandled rejection TypeError: path.substring is not a function at Object.urlForHelper (/Users/jack/ProjectsMy/hexo-jacks/node_modules/hexo/lib/plugins/helper/url_for.js:9:31) at wrapper (/Users/jack/ProjectsMy/hexo-jacks/node_modules/lodash/lodash.js:4962:19) at eval (eval at (/Users/jack/ProjectsMy/hexo-jacks/node_modules/swig/lib/swig.js:498:13), :28:119) at Object.exports.each (/Users/jack/ProjectsMy/hexo-jacks/node_modules/swig/lib/utils.js:45:11) at eval (eval at (/Users/jack/ProjectsMy/hexo-jacks/node_modules/swig/lib/swig.js:498:13),...

Problem 1 - spatie/regex 3.1.1 requires php ^8.0|^8.1 -> your php version (7.4.30) does not satisfy that requirement. - awssat/laravel-sync-migration 4.0.0 requires spatie/regex ^3.1.1 -> satisfiable by spatie/regex[3.1.1]. - Root...

fix #16 Added a new test for it, and all tests pass.


登录后 有提示 有新版本 0.20.191900已经准备好,立刻重启安装? 安装新版本 点击安装新版本 程序就关闭了 就没动静了


please update to support laravel11