Jindong Wang

Results 6 issues of Jindong Wang

Anyone interested in transfer learning is welcomed to contribute to this repo (by pull request): - You can add the latest publications / tools / tutorials directly to `readme.md` and...

In the [GAN code](https://github.com/yunjey/pytorch-tutorial/blob/master/tutorials/03-advanced/generative_adversarial_network/main.py#L41-L57), why L98 is repeated in L115? I tried to delete L115, it works fine. Is there something I miss?

由于作者水平有限,错误、不足之处请多提意见! 如果有任何建议(新方法、新数据、新竞赛等任何新的东西),也欢迎到这里留言!


Very nice work! During my training, I found that loss can become negative: ``` Train Epoch: 198 [0/100 (0%)] Loss1: 0.024868 Loss2: 0.022132 Discrepancy: 0.018226 Test set: Average loss: -0.0588,...

在知乎上看到这个工作,非常开心,Matlab终于也有做深度学习的工具了,虽然刚刚起步,预测前景一定不错。在这里斗胆提几点小建议: 1.Logo太丑了,真心和这个时代不符,参考一下tensorflow和mxnet这些,简洁一点好看一点吧。。。 2.代码组织上,一个.m一个function,那得多少啊。。。适当封装一些sub-function吧; 3.有没有可能一起开发?