jim zhou

Results 19 comments of jim zhou

It looks like you may need to install libpng16? `brew install libpng` should install that.

I have extracted all of the protobuf .proto files here: [gitee.com/auf/tinder-grpc-exploration](https://gitee.com/auf/tinder-grpc-exploration) I will put up the Python version in a bit.

The authgateway part of the api should not have changed (see my pull request). However, there's a whole lot of gRPC type stuff that's primed and ready to go in...

I've opened a pull request with a script can log in with the v3 sms auth endpoint. Also I've included the protobuf schema for their v3 auth gateway. Just install...

Decompiled and disassembled their Android app, used [pbtk extractors](https://github.com/marin-m/pbtk) to convert the bytecode to .proto, and used Google's protoc and the betterproto library to make it into Python-compliant dataclasses. There...

> @jimtje 's TinderSMSAuth class worked beautifully and I was able to get an auth token - awesome work! How long is the token good for? Also, I see a...

> Interesting - I've also never seen a refresh go through using the web-app, but I've also probably never had it open more than a few hours - so that...

Base endpoint: https://api.gotinder.com POST /v2/profile/spotify/sync content-type: application/json body: {"redirect_uri": "tinder-spotify://callback", "auth_code": ""} (both required) Auth code from Spotify Oauth (https://accounts.spotify.com/en/authorize?client_id=b06a803d686e4612bdc074e786e94062&response_type=code&redirect_uri=tinder-spotify:%2F%2Fcallback&nosignout=true&state=&client_app_id=com.tinder:609823BAED399D9A97138D636550EBE82014CF2E&scope=playlist-read-private%20playlist-read-collaborative%20streaming%20user-library-read%20user-read-private%20user-top-read), code in location header after you hit okay DELETE /v2/profile/spotify...

I don't actually know if it pops up every time for everyone, for testing I created a throwaway account with a Google voice number and disposable email and I suspected...

There are a bunch of headers that seems required with making actual api calls now, and the client needs to be able to keep consistent "app-session-time-elapsed" and "user-session-time-elapsed" in the...