Jimmy Headdon

Results 11 comments of Jimmy Headdon

I'm really looking for an implementation of inset box-shadows in CSS3 PIE please! :)

Hi @sungam3r thanks for getting back to me. You're right that the NuGet package is on the latest version, but the default authentication strategy for Event Store changed with their...

Seems perfectly reasonable to me, future effort is better spent on [DotNetAnalyzers/StyleCopAnalyzers](https://github.com/DotNetAnalyzers/StyleCopAnalyzers). Given this project has been stagnate for such a time, any Visual Studio

I've just been caught out by this, as there's no obvious indication as to what is happening, other than the runner exiting before all your test code has executed. Any...

Hi @camjackson, we're already building the state snapshots upstream in Event Store, chained from other Event Store streams that contain the individual state changes. Essentially we're already doing the reducer...

Hi @camjackson, I went to create a PR, then realised that [streamSubscriber](https://github.com/camjackson/redux-eventstore/blob/master/src/streamSubscriber.js) was completely different from the version I pulled from npm, in that the [npm version](https://www.npmjs.com/package/redux-eventstore) has a large...

Ah nice one, just checking I didn't have something old! I basically want to put 2 PR's together, one as discussed above, and another that adds the stream metadata to...

@camjackson I've raised a PR for the metadata suggestion. I can put together another PR for this once we've discussed that?

Yeah I figured separate might be easier, I'm in no immediate rush, and given it's in the same area of the files, and I don't know your coding or testing...

I spoke to Barbara Jones from the HDFGroup yesterday about updates to the C# library, and got this reply: > We do not have funding to support HDF5DotNet C#, and...