Jimmy Ngo
Jimmy Ngo
@pio2pio sorry for getting back to you so late. It seems like the proxy to the server isn't starting up properly. We have also included an ingress config yaml file...
@MatanAmoyal, Interesting it seems like it should be running properly and has compiled correctly. Have you tried accessing it through: http://localhost:3068/ ? Let me know if that works for you?
Matan, KUR8 is currently set up to be accessed using a Cluster IP service. You could modify the deployment YAML files [here](https://github.com/oslabs-beta/Kur8/blob/dev/infra/k8s/kur8-depl.yaml). You can also adjust the PORT at which...
@sc7565 unfortunately it doesn't right now. That is something I can look into since there seems to be some interest!