Jimmy Baker
Jimmy Baker
I see a warning when attempting to reload the page but NOT when clicking a link on the page. Using Rails 5 with the newest turbolinks.
using `turbolinks:before-visit` works
Thanks for posting!
:+1: I'm going to try to implement a new style that uses the jsonapi.org spec. Let me know if you want to help out.
This is definitely needed. In batmanjs, if the model has a saveInline: true option set then it would automatically include the related record(s) when the parent was saved. I need...
In the past I have left the deleted items in the collection with a flag of _destroy set to '1' then wherever I'm rendering items, I simply say ng-hide="item._destroy ==...
They don't remove them either. They have an update coming so that when you have a relation that is set to saveInline: true, then it will expect the relationships to...
@chris-hanson Have you tried this yet? I'm looking for example usage now.