> Try to add `APP_NEW_FETCHING_LIBRARY=true` parameter to the .env file and [clear cache](https://github.com/freescout-helpdesk/freescout/wiki/Clearing-the-Cache). Where is the .env file?
> The `APP_NEW_FETCHING_LIBRARY=true` parameter is outdated and has no effect anymore. > > In the latest version of FreeScout fetching errors now became more informative. So in case of any...
> @jimmie-jam For MS365 you need to use modern oAuth IMAP authentication: https://github.com/freescout-help-desk/freescout/wiki/Connect-FreeScout-to-Microsoft-365-Exchange-via-oAuth I think I have the settings correct for MS365, but because I'm hosting Freescout locally only, the...