Dimitris Kontokostas
Dimitris Kontokostas
see discussion in https://dbpedia.slack.com/archives/C886P3ZLH/p1530177956000121 for details
This issue tracks SHACL support in RDFUnit ### Scopes - [x] sh:targetNode - [x] sh:targetClass - [x] sh:targetSubjecsOf - [x] sh:targetObjects ### SHACL Core Constraint Components - [x] sh:class -...
RDFUnit by design returns results as Set (no duplicates) but SHACL requires duplicates for conformance. [Example from RDFUnit](https://github.com/AKSW/RDFUnit/blob/master/rdfunit-w3c-tests/tests-results-nonconformant/partial/core_property_lessThan-002.ttl.actual.ttl) and [expected results from SHACL](https://github.com/AKSW/RDFUnit/blob/master/rdfunit-w3c-tests/tests-results-nonconformant/partial/core_property_lessThan-002.ttl.expected.ttl)
For custom sparql-based constraints that are used in `NodeShape`s, `sh:value` is not set correctly in results
SPARQL constraints such `SELECT ?this ?x AS ?path … {...}` should bind values of `?path` to `sh:resultPat`h in the results and override the default path. Similar variables are `?value`, `?focusNode`...
`sh:languageIn` expects languages such as `@en` to also match values like `@en-GB` (similar behavior to SPARQL [langMatches()](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#func-langMatches) function) ATM RDFUnit supports only exact language matches
Due to SPARQL variable scoping, pre-bound variables need to be injected in all SPARQL BGP sub groups. Common constraints are not affected. Some cases it affects are some constraints in...