Jim Ianelli
Jim Ianelli
exe_path idea great as I use symbolic links from command line to ensure same executable is used for different model configurations (e.g., in linux/osx: ln -s pathtoexecutable/mymod ) in the...
testing on a mac, did fresh install with original mac clang and clang7 (recommended for R vers 3.6) and still get locked file error on test: r$> devtools::install_github("kaskr/adcomp/TMB") Downloading GitHub...
thanks, yes, realized it wasn't a TMB issue but hoping that others experienced a similar problem and had a fix. Thanks John and yes, that was the clean (?) install...
I resolved the libquadmath issue by setting the ~/.R/Makevars to contain: CC=/usr/local/clang7/bin/clang CXX=/usr/local/clang7/bin/clang++ CXX11=$CXX CXX14=$CXX CXX17=$CXX CXX1X=$CXX LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/clang7/lib where clang7 is the recommended "tools" for macos R 3.6. However, library(TMB)...
df % mutate(age=as.numeric(age)) #+ arrange(age,yr) ggplot(sdf,aes(x=age,y=as.factor(yr),height = sel)) + geom_density_ridges(stat = "identity",scale = 5.8, alpha = .2)+ xlim(c(1,11))+ mytheme + ylab("Year") + xlab("Age (years)") #+ theme_ridges() generated (fwiw): [image: image.png]...