Jim Myhrberg

Results 115 comments of Jim Myhrberg

Latest force push brought in the latest fixes from my dotfiles repo to add support for the new `scheduled` and `none` service statuses, and also switches from parsing the plain...

@martin-braun thanks for the feedback, I'll see what I can do adding some state to the plugin to enable a hide/unhide menu item :) And you are right, `3/14` in...

@martin-braun I've updated the plugin. Main number display now only shows running services, and hide/show option is available on services, along with an option to enable/disable groups too while I...

Apologies for the force pushes. I've simply been updating my PR's here to include updates/fixes I've been making in my [dotfiles](https://github.com/jimeh/dotfiles/tree/main/xbar). That said, I do not expect to make any...

This issue is now used to automatically update the `emacs-app-good` cask in [jimeh/homebrew-emacs-builds](https://github.com/jimeh/homebrew-emacs-builds). As such I'm locking further discussion here to prevent the possibility of the auto-updating mechanism being abused....

@shaunsingh Thanks for the offer, but if possible I want to create builds on public and reproducible hardware to keep the whole process as transparent as possible. And good point...

@shaunsingh I've submitted the form for access to macOS 11 runners, let's see what happens. Though until they also bring out M1-based runners for macOS 11 (or 12), it's sadly...

Apple Silicon builds now purely depends on GitHub Actions having Apple Silicon based GitHub-hosted runners: https://github.com/actions/virtual-environments/issues/2187 Right now I would like to avoid having to resort to a self-hosted runner,...

Very minor update on some movement for Linux builds. I recently needed a nightly build of Emacs on a linux machine, and put together a very quick and [dirty bash...

@neha-p6 I don't have a workaround yet. But I also haven't looked any deeper into the issue yet. Though re-running my GitHub Action every couple of days when it fails...