Jim Cortez
Jim Cortez
@Namburger no, nothing shows up. When it does work I see the /dev/apex_0 device.
@Namburger those commands were run before I reinstalled. In another twist, they seem to have come up in my latest reboot, which was a normal reboot sequence and I had...
Actually it disappeared on reboot again. I have trolled through all the system logs and can't find any errors or something that may indicate a problem. When comparing the working...
Working dmesg: https://gist.github.com/jimcortez/0460b32b6e84f2bb6d6a0b09df9b3f07 Not Working dmesg: https://gist.github.com/jimcortez/b13ddb4f20b096ece5c66a47bbd03f36 Thanks for the help @mbrooksx and @Namburger !
@mbrooksx @Namburger is there anything else I can provide?
Just as an update, I still have this issue. The only solution so far seems to keep rebooting the system until the coral devices show up.
Nothing, command returns immediately
After a fresh boot just now: ``` $ ls /dev/apex* zsh: no matches found: /dev/apex* $ lsmod | grep apex $ sudo modprobe apex $ lsmod | grep apex apex...
Seems everything is in order ``` $ cat /etc/udev/rules.d/65-apex.rules SUBSYSTEM=="apex", MODE="0660", GROUP="apex" $ groups | tr " " "\n" | grep -e apex -e plugdev plugdev apex ``` Note that...
I actually use the redis integration of markov myself. I agree that in the long-term that having it in a separate store is probably wise. Just seemed like a good...