
Results 6 comments of lujiguang

> > i m getting this error (Found 0 images belonging to 0 classes.). do i have to put the images in a folder and wt should i name it?...

> I've also been playing with multi-GPU implementation, but I've not been able to see any successful speedups. Seems like the VGG loss evaluations always happen on the first GPU,...

> 我根据以下的项目将解码集成到了mace的工程里面,发现解码后边框和结果都有问题.边框都是一个点或线,结果有100%以上的,并且检测的物体也不对。用我当前的环境,运行mobilenet模型没问题,现在也不知道yolo模型哪有问题了,你们集成yolo当时解码成功了吗?能给些建议吗? > > Model deploy file (*.yml): > OS Platform and Distribution:centos 7.6 > NDK version:r17b > MACE version:v0.11.0-rc0-0-g2d650b6 > libmace.a: v0.11.0-rc1 > 其他的用的docker里面自带的:python(2.7) bazel(0.16.0) > > yolo安卓项目: >...

> 什么时候能支持yolo3的解码呢,最好能直接输出可以使用的数组,现在输出了几十万条数据,得自己解,目前仍然没研究透应该怎样解呢 > 谢谢!!期待!! > Before you open an issue, please make sure you have tried the following steps: > > 1. Make sure your **environment** is the same with...
