Jeremy Cowan
Jeremy Cowan
## Question After adding the health check to my Dockerfile, e.g. `kopf run --liveness=http://:8080/healthz` I get the following error: ``` Root task 'health reporter' is failed: OSError(99, "error while...
## Question I am calling a method in my startup_fn() that queries instance metadata to get the region. I use the region to create global environment variables for boto3 clients...
## Expected Behavior I would like to run the kopf tutorial on an EKS cluster instead of minikube. ## Actual Behavior When I run `kopf run .py --verbose` I get...
## Additional Info I'd like the OPA community to consider adding [sigv4]( signing to the topdown/http.go module. This will be particularly useful for validating signed images where you have to...
**What would you like to be added**: Output a link to a customer satisfaction survey after EKS-A is installed. **Why is this needed**: To capture customers feedback. You can add...
### Describe the feature Add the ability to "import" existing EKS clusters that were created outside of CDK/CloudFormation so that you can use the AddRoleMapping method to update the aws-auth...
After applying the manifest for the example cluster [a 3 node etcd cluster] the init container hangs indefinitely. The last message `skip reconciliation: running ([]), pending ([example-etcd-cluster-vnjpsbdfmn])" cluster-name=example-etcd-cluster cluster-namespace=default pkg=cluster`...
## New ACK Service Controller Support for Amazon EKS ### List of API resources List the API resources in order of importance to you: * [Cluster]( * [Nodegroup]( * [FargateProfile](
AWS Secrets Manager has a [caching library]( which updates the cache periodically, ensuring your applications use the most up to date secret value without polling. If you run the init...
Line 53 is missing variable for subnetId. The line should be: ``` command = ["ec2", "run-instances", "--image-id", amiId, "--instance-type", instanceType, "--user-data", userData, "--iam-instance-profile", "Name=\"%s\"" % instanceProfile, "--security-group-ids", securityGroup, "--key-name", keyName,...