
Results 47 comments of 小炒肉

``` time="2021-03-29T08:47:35Z" level=error msg="failed to join the cluster" error="failed to start etcd: listen tcp bind: address already in use" 2021-03-29 08:47:35.461401 W | rafthttp: failed to process raft message...

> Hi @jicki, > > A bit of a curious error message. > > * Are you running a 3 members cluster? On 3 different nodes in an ASG (using...

> Hi again, > > Thanks for all the details..! I don't really test the Kubernetes integration as it was a contribution from another developer.. not really surprised to see...


> 我可以在 Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS 和 Docker 20.10.7 上安装,并且运行良好。但是有一些错误。 > > ``` > [DoChat] WeChat > [DoChat] Starting... > ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1075:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave > ALSA lib...

ubunut 20.04 有修复吗? 好像一直都有问题~

你的 ubuntu 20.04 版本是如何成功的? 我们的 ubuntu 20.04 都 有问题... ``` 0070:fixme:wbemprox:client_security_Release 6795E778 libGL error: No matching fbConfigs or visuals found libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast X Error of...

> @jicki 这个我也不清楚,界面是可以打开的。 你的也是这样吗? 我发现好像是因为显卡驱动的问题? 我这边显卡驱动是 server 版的 感觉少了 libGL 库

same issue here cry Ubuntu 20.04