Jibin Thomas

Results 6 issues of Jibin Thomas


While generating the schema the root URL has the wordpress domain (wordpress.example.com). Is there a way to change the url to (blog.example.com)?


### Summary Adding marks on images is not triggering YJS updates for some reason, if I remove the YJS extension then it's working as expected ### Steps to reproduce https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/bold-sutherland-k67yrh?file=%2Fvite.config.ts%3A7%2C1...

type: bug :beetle:

Is there a way to set the initial value in file input (image)? If yes whats the expected format

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On SSR there is empty space between the slidedown. Inline css is being added to the element. In my case ```css { height: 8004.22px; transition-property: height; } ```