https://github.com/HsinYingLee/DRIT/issues/24 HsinYingLee: ``` I think there are possible several settings can be used: 1. If you would like to compare with the ground truth set and other methods, say, a...
Are these code about self-reconstuction loss ? ``` loss_G_L1_A = self.criterionL1(self.fake_A_recon, self.real_A_encoded) loss_G_L1_B = self.criterionL1(self.fake_B_recon, self.real_B_encoded) ``` AND Are these code about cross cycle consistency loss ? ``` loss_G_L1_AA =...
I trained the model with: python train.py --depth=7 --latent_size=512 --images_dir=../data/flowers --sample_dir=samples/exp_1 --model_dir=models/exp_1 and I test with: python demo.py --generator_file=models/exp_1/GAN_DIS_3.pth --depth=7 --latent_size=512 but some error: Missing key(s) in state_dict: "module.layers.0.conv_1.weight", "module.layers.0.conv_1.bias",...
can I train only with cpu?
annotations中instances_testdev2017 与test2017.zip图片数量不一致 训练集与验证集也有这个问题,为什么会不一致
Exception in thread "main" java.nio.BufferUnderflowException at java.base/java.nio.HeapByteBuffer.get(HeapByteBuffer.java:191) at com.ip.IPExt.load(IPExt.java:107) at com.ip.IPExt.load(IPExt.java:34) at com.ip.IPExt.main(IPExt.java:15)