`foldseek easy-search ./query/ {database_path} tmp --format-mode 5` Result:  From the returned results, it can be seen that only Ca. Is there any other way for me to obtain a...
@joewatchwell @lyskov This is really excellent work. I have some questions regarding this work. When training the model, how do you appropriately describe the loss for protein trajectories? Is the...
 Could you explain the derivation in more detail? https://github.com/luost26/diffab/blob/main/diffab/modules/diffusion/transition.py#L204
Hi! foldseek team I am using the clustering function of foldseek. It sometimes works and sometimes it doesn't Here is example and question. The problem I see is that the...
Hi, foldseek team! I found that foldseek has updated the search for multi chain proteins. Can clustering be performed on multi chain proteins now? Do you have any examples?