Results 67 comments of Pei JIA

Yes, you are right... clandmark_DIR must be set to "./libclandmark" Thank you uricamic....

Sorry, my fault. It looks like it's still the same. 1) If I disable Python Binding by **BUILD_PYTHON_BINDINGS=OFF** It's already cached. So, no matter I set clandmark_DIR or not, **configure**...

I tried fullpath as well, still as the issue mentioned Yes, it seems I only have clandmark_DIR, but NO flandmark_DIR Weird... Pei

This is my CMakeLists.txt under python_interface : ``` jiapei@jiapei-GT72-6QE:~/Downloads/patternrecognition/clandmark/python_interface$ cat CMakeLists.txt # python_interface/CMakeLists.txt find_package(clandmark REQUIRED) find_package(flandmark REQUIRED) include_directories( ${CLANDMARK_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${FLANDMARK_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include) #include_directories( ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/libclandmark ) include_directories( ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/3rd_party/rapidxml-1.13 ) include_directories( ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/3rd_party/CImg-1.5.6...

It seems "andreas128's suggestions" does help a bit. Now, I didn't have those warnings due to the upper-case and lower-case issue. However, I meet another issue: I fact, I checked...

Same requirement from here....

Worked for me .... Thank you ...

Same thing for **balena-etcher_1.19.16_amd64.deb**. Still **NOT** fixed yet...

Same here... Does that mean: we **MUST** purchase?? - The Basic pricing mode won't work? - And isn't there a local version to deploy?? Thank you