Jian Kang
Jian Kang
Hi, I come across the following error, when I run the demo code of rcnn: ``` Error using caffe Unknown command 'get_weights' Error in rcnn_load_model (line 36) rcnn_model.cnn.layers = caffe('get_weights');...
Hi, I would like to build the codes in Ubuntu. When I built it, there are some errors: ``` make -j4 Scanning dependencies of target caffe [ 2%] Building CXX...
Hi, Why do not you add bias term for the conv_transpose which is in the line 51 in ops.py? `convt = tf.nn.conv2d_transpose(x, w, output_shape=outputShape, strides=[1,2,2,1])` I think it should be:...
Hi, Since you implemented the fast-rcnn, do you know how to implement the **spatial pyramid pooling layer** as introduced [in the paper](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1406.4729v4.pdf)? I try to implement one according to the...
Hi, I have a question confused about the latent variable **z** According to the code in class VAEGAN, ``` def _forward(self, batch, test=False): encoded, means, ln_vars = self._encode(batch, test=test) rec...
Hi, I come across an error when I run the demo. Here is what I type: `python YOLO_tiny_tf.py -fromfile /home/kang/Documents/work_code_PC1/online_code/YOLO_tensorflow/test/person.jpg` And It shows: ``` Detect from /home/kang/Documents/work_code_PC1/online_code/YOLO_tensorflow/test/person.jpg Traceback (most recent...