Jianjie(JJ) Luo

Results 5 comments of Jianjie(JJ) Luo

Hi @dorodnic, A CSV that records the `x, y, z` of each point in the 3D coordinate in the same unit is OK. Here are some contents formats I suggest....

@dorodnic Thank you so much! I used matlab to read the PLY format file. It's so cool ! ![snipaste_2018-06-16_23-44-43](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16987527/41500161-872d47b6-71bf-11e8-8370-c773e4349b9a.png) Enlarge the red region and I can see my face! ![snipaste_2018-06-16_23-44-03](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16987527/41500170-9f00ec58-71bf-11e8-9f0c-48110de23a15.png)...

What's more, I consider **the example 2** above is preferred. Because with corresponding (i, j) information at the same time, we can easily select regions that we are interested in...

@vogelbam hi, thanks for your reply. However, I find that the `date_min` argument was removed in the [docs](https://github.com/hellock/icrawler/blob/38c925758fd3d3e568d3ecc993f77bc0acfa4788/docs/release_notes.rst#060-2018-03-17) after #38 issue. What's worse, search image by date doesn't work any...

@iHTCboy ,好的,其实在理论上只需要在id上面再做一点trick比如说添加一个`? : `语句来判断一次`window.location.pathname.length` 是否小于50,只把过长的id用time来表示,应该可以做到向前兼容。 eg. `id: (window.location.pathname.length < 50) ? window.location.pathname : "{{ page.date }}"` 缺点应该就是id的标准会不统一但是理论上还是可以保持唯一性。鄙人使用 python 的 Jinja2 模板,以上的代码亲测可用。