Jianhua Yang
Jianhua Yang
Hi, When I run the file build_visgeno_imdb.ipynb, the result shows 'rel_data' is not defined. Could you give me some help about this problem?
Hi, When I run your codes, the result shows: No such file or directory: '/home/js/dbnet_tensorflow/data/densecap_splits.json'. I have downloaded vg_v1_json.tar.gz and unzipped it on "./dbnet_tensorflow/data/", but I can not find densecap_splits.json....
Hi, I am very interested in your work, and there has been a long time since the CVPR 2022. When would you plan to release the code of your excellent...
Hi, I am trying to use your code to generate training and testing data of Tacos, but the "timestamps" and "duration" in diractionary of three JSON files confused me. It...