trackViewer copied to clipboard
A bioconductor package with minimalist design for drawing elegant tracks or lollipop plot
Hi, Thank you for this great visualization tool. I am new to trackViewer lollipopPlot and I am experimenting with making the plot. However, my plot looked very wide and have...
Hi, I am using the lolliplot() function to create SNP plots along Zscore values. The problem is I have 16 categories for the SNPs and even if I define my...
Hi Jianhong I obtained my filtered .vcf which I annotated using hg38 using wannovar. However when I am using this to lolliplot using .vcf file using the "hg38" and "TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene"...
There is some method to change the width of lines that link the balloons without enlarge the text labels? Something like mut_GRange$border.stroke?
Hello, Thank you for such a useful package! I have generally found lollipopPlots produced using this package to look fantastic, however there are a number of genes where I want...
Hi, Thank you for providing the great package, the getGeneIDsFromTxDb function is missing in the bioconductor version. Best
Hi, I'm struggling to understand the calculations for positioning the y labels in tracks. It seems you are defining a viewport for the text grob in such a way that...
Hi, I faced a problem that heightDist does not work when I used the following script. Do you know the solution? Thank you. `A
Hi, Thank you for developing a beautiful package. I am trying to make the Lolliplot and bigwig the coverage data like below (paste screenshots). I know there are some examples...
I am unable to add lines dictating TAD boundaries onto my interaction data. The function "addInteractionAnnotation" found in the [(vignette)]( is not available in the trackViewer package, even with most...