Results 121 comments of JIANHONG OU

For legend is difficult because I don't have a good idea to locate them. For the second question, the first element of color will fill dat and the second element...

Hi, Thank you for trying trackViewer to plot your data. I update the development trackViewer to meet your request. You can try: ``` BiocManager::install("jianhong/trackViewer") lolliplot(sample.gr, unname(features)) ## to remove the...

Hi @ifantasy, Thank you for your comments. Could you please send the output of the following codes: ```{r} seqlevels(araport11.txdb) seqlevels(sample1.bw$dat) seqlevels(sample2.bw$dat) ``` Jianhong.

interesting. Could you please share me the araport11.txdb and org.Athaliana.eg.db? I did not see the code changed the seqlevel styles.

The files are not available for downloading. Could you please send them to me directly by email?

Nice to know you figured out it by yourself. You may want to check the [documentation](https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/trackViewer/inst/doc/changeTracksStyles.html#Adjust_the_y-axis) here first. If you still have trouble in get the y-axis please let me...

Maybe I should add the documentation like this: `setTrackYaxisParam(trackList[[2]], 'label', TRUE)`

Thank you for trying trackViewer to plot your data. Could you share me the minimal example to repeat your error? Jianhong.

You may want to try ```features$cex

Good idea. At first i thought it will be hard to count if more than ten. Anyway more flexible is always better. will keep you posted.Best!Your sincerely,Jianhong OuOn May 25,...