
Results 14 issues of jiangweiatgithub

I have been comparing the efficency between the muse as service and the original "hub.load" method, and see a noticeable slow reponse in the former, both running separately on my...


I have trying to train an English-Chinese MT model, got the following issue: ludwig experiment --dataset alt_en-US_zh-CN_200k.tsv --config mt_en_sch.yaml Note: NumExpr detected 16 cores but "NUMEXPR_MAX_THREADS" not set, so enforcing...

looking into it

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.20251.1] (c) 2020 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Users\polyt>pushd z:\repos z:\repos>git clone http://github.com/ynqa/faiss-server.git Cloning into 'faiss-server'... warning: redirecting to https://github.com/ynqa/faiss-server.git/ remote: Enumerating objects: 284, done. remote: Total...

I started a server using the following command line in a Ubuntu hyper-v server on winserver 2016: java -Xmx16g -cp "*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer -serverProperties StanfordCoreNLP-chinese.properties -port 9009 -timeout 150000 When I...

fixed on dev

Say, I want soft to match Microsoft.

Is there any way to output the result to the console or a file without showing the dialog?

When I use the command line conver the following lines: {"english": "Slowly and not without struggle, America began to listen.", "chinese": "美国缓慢地开始倾听,但并非没有艰难曲折。"} {"english": "I didn't own a Thesaurus until four...

### 前置确认 1. 网络能够访问openai接口 [#351](https://github.com/zhayujie/chatgpt-on-wechat/issues/351) 2. python 已安装:版本在 3.7 ~ 3.10 之间,依赖已安装 3. 在已有 issue 中未搜索到类似问题 4. [FAQS](https://github.com/zhayujie/chatgpt-on-wechat/wiki/FAQs) 中无类似问题 ### 问题描述 > 简要说明、截图、复现步骤等,也可以是需求或想法 用了付费ChatGPT API,用一个老微信账户登录没任何,用了10天前新注册的微信账户登录就出现这个问题 ### 终端日志 (如有报错) ``` Please...

### Is there an existing issue for this? - [X] I have searched the existing issues ### Current Behavior python test.py Explicitly passing a `revision` is encouraged when loading a...

It is on p.9: QUOTE The header line contains either two (n, m), three (n, m, fmt), or four (n, m, fmt, ncon) parameters. The first two parameters (n, m)...