point-cloud-orthographic-projection icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
point-cloud-orthographic-projection copied to clipboard

Ortho project a point cloud to XY, YZ, ZX planes.

Point Cloud Orthographic Projection with Multiviews

Simple point cloud orthographic projection, support projection to XY, YZ, ZX planes.


Some time it is useful to get the orthographic projection of a point cloud. Ortho projection can remove the camera distortion. Multiview projections can provide extra information for deep learning tasks.



It requires pypcd package, if you are using python3, please install this version of pypcd. klintan fixed the cStringIO issue in the original version.

Run point_cloud_ortho_projector.py for simple visualization.


For depth image data:

I used the synthstic data from UBC3V dataset. It is a sythetic dataset for human pose estimation.

In the <sample_data> dir, I put several images from UBC3V dataset.

For PCD data:

I used pypcd to load the PCD data.

In the <sample_data> dir, I put bunny PCD file in ascii.


UBC3V dataset, link: https://github.com/ashafaei/ubc3v


PCA analysis and OBB.