Jian Gu
Jian Gu
Thanks for sharing such a great NFT market implementation! However, I found a hidden but critical issue, that is when the second NFT to be mint, the MetaMask always claims...
For example, run this ```Java @Test public void testExplicitConversion() throws Exception { AstComparator comparator = new AstComparator(); String a = "class Foo{public void bar(){\ndouble b = 0;\n}}"; String b =...
when i am trying to upgrade GTSpoon to newer version (to solve issues on some datasets), one CI error caused by exceeding limit of log size was triggered. Also, I...
Hey, i am doing a work of optimizing the RMSE of Collaborative Filtering ( i think RBM could perform better combined with louvain, the community dectection algorithm ). And i...
line 225 in rbm.c should be fixed from `visbiases[j][i] = 0.02 * randn() - 0.004;` to `visbiases[j][i] = log( ((double)moviercount[j*SOFTMAX+i]) / ((double) mtot) );`?
Hi, @salaniz. I compute meteor and rouge scores but I find it is rather slow to wait for the computation result of Meteor scores. Could you please tell me why?...