hi,Thank you for your sharing.When I load another video for color enlargement, I can't read the video information correctly. This problem occurs in the 330 lines of mainwindow.cpp file. ui->progressSlider->setValue(video->getNumberOfPlayedFrames()...
Thank your for your sharing. When I run train.py,I met a problem is ValueError: output of generator should be a tuple `(x, y, sample_weight)` or `(x, y)`. Found: None. Can...
hi, Thank you for sharing your code.I would like to ask if you have any good ways to deal with slight head movements to measure pulse. Look forward to your...
hi, Thank your for your share. I follow your instructions, download the dataset and run train_ VGG19.py. File "D:\sun\pytorch_Realtime_Multi-Person_Pose_Estimation-master\pytorch_Realtime_Multi-Person_Pose_Estimation-master\lib\datasets\datasets.py", line 182, in __getitem__ image, anns, meta = self.preprocess(image, anns, None)...
hi,ewrfcas.I am very sorry to trouble you.I have some questions to trouble you. I want to konw train_kp.csv whether is the labelled human facial feature map.Where is the face picture?...
hi,I would like to ask how to deploy the pytorch model using Django. When using import argpare in the model(code A),I can not unable to start manage.py .Prompt to enter...
Thank you for sharing ,Cannot use yolov8_det_trt.py to check one's own model, check box is empty。 The category of one's own model is 2