Jiahui Li

Results 10 issues of Jiahui Li

Previously we could use custom plugins in `rel/plugins`, but how to add custom plugins using rebar3? Instead of fetching from `git` or `hexpm`, shall we use `path` to specify the...

## Overview ## Testing recommendations ```bash ./configure --spidermonkey-version 91 make ./dev/run --admin=adm:pass -n 1 make eunit make eunit apps=config,couch_dist make dist make check make release ``` ## Related Issues or...

## Overview 1. Change `src` to `apps` and all symlinks: In order to use the local plugins `rebar3 ic setup_eunit [-f]`, we need to use correct umbrella project structure. See...

`CVE-2022-36944` exists in scala 2.13.0 ~ 2.13.8, see https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-36944 Are we going to add support for scala 2.13.9?

`CVE-2022-36944` exists in scala 2.13.0 ~ 2.13.8, see https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-36944 Are we going to add support for scala 2.13.9?

## Overview - When filered `_changes` is triggered, `open_revs()` will read docs. If request parameter has `include_docs=true`, then `doc_member()` will also read docs. Change `filter/3` to `filter/5` to avoid the...

## Overview Using key and start/end_key in a different order will produce different responses when querying `_all_docs`. To reduce confusion, add a key range check for `_all_docs`. - If direction=fwd,...

CVE-2022-36944 exists in scala 2.13.0 ~ 2.13.8, see https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-36944 Are we going to add support for scala 2.13.9?

My system is Virtual Box Ubuntu 16.04, installed all the dependencies, but when use this command: `$ make -j 4` It always said there's no file "plugin-api.h" in the directory....