Jason Hsu
Jason Hsu
I'd like to login to the app in my localhost/development environment as one of the seeded users. In an app with email/username authentication (instead of OmniAuth authentication), I just enter...
Brakeman Report errors: * invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII (app/views/pages/what.html.erb) * app/views/repos/_docs.html.slim is not valid US-ASCII * app/views/repos/_issues.html.slim is not valid US-ASCII * app/views/users/after_signup/set_privacy.html.slim is not valid US-ASCII * app/views/users/token_delete.html.slim...
I'd like to add elements of my Ruby on Racetracks methodology. The options are: 1. Put these elements in a pull request 2. Limit these elements in a personal branch...
...d references to microposts from Guardfile These changes are for the account-activation-password-reset branch ONLY. I am using this specific branch for a rapid prototyping gem (https://github.com/jhsu802701/generic_app) that uses a generic...
We use Rubocop to standardise our code, which can improve code quality and reduce confusion. When evaluating each rule, consider if it helps with those goals or not. Often the...
This app should be Dockerized. (I will submit a pull request for this.) The setup instructions in CONTRIBUTING.md are geared for running this app in the host environment. I do...
The current Docker setup does not include a container for Rails. We need a setup that includes a Rails container as well as containers for all other necessary services. An...
Is there any good reason that the Gemfile.lock file is listed in .gitignore and thus not saved in this repository? This is causing a problem. Here's an example of the...
This app should have a continuous integration badge from Travis CI or something similar. This is an excellent safeguard that would have easily caught the problem with the lack of...
Running the command "bundle exec jekyll build" or "bundle exec jekyll serve --host" leads to the following message: ``` Deprecation: The 'gems' configuration option has been renamed to 'plugins'....