Jason Hsu
Jason Hsu
The [Docker setup instructions](https://github.com/octobox/octobox/blob/master/docs/INSTALLATION.md#using-docker-and-docker-compose) do not show how to run the test suite with the docker-compose command. I've successfully set up the app and started the Rails server with the...
In my ruby_on_racetracks branch, I have rails-erd installed. When I run the command "bundle exec erd --attributes=foreign_keys,primary_keys,timestamps,inheritance,content --filetype=dot --filename=tmp/diagram-models --inheritance --notation=bachman dot -Tjpg tmp/diagram-models.dot", I get the following error messages:...
This adds tests of the what, privacy, and support static pages. The "cache control for headers" test was originally done without a login. This commit also runs that test when...
I added integration tests of the user's ability to switch between public and private status and the user's visibility on a repo page. (At the moment, private subscribers are not...
Viewing a user's profile while not logged in or while logged in as a different user results in being redirected to the home page. Controller and integration tests of this...
Under the current setup, I can view my own user profile page, whether it is public or private. If I try to view the profile of another user, and that...
SimpleCov shows only 68% test coverage. The weakest points are libraries (19%) and controllers (44%).
This commit includes tests of the contents on the index, what, privacy, and support pages. Additionally, the tests check for the presence of the login and logout links.
Added tests of the default_avatar_url, public?, subscribed_to, and not_yet_subscribed_to methods of the user model