Jorrit Poelen

Results 177 issues of Jorrit Poelen

While meticulously transcribing bat co-roosting literature (see, Aja Sherman suggested to add a term for: Monument - "a type of structure that was explicitly created to commemorate a person...

Suggest to add relationshipAccordingToID to Resource Relation extension to help link human readable text (e.g., some citation) to a machine readable identifier (e.g., some doi) . For discussion see trias-project/uredinales-belgium-checklist#8...

Term - add
Class - ResourceRelationship
Process - need evidence for demand
Process - need templated change request

Currently, GloBI offers citations for the both provenance (where/when was the data accessed?) and authority (who makes the claim?). @arw36 suggested to improve these citation strings by making them structured...

suggest to index host-pathogen interactions from PREDICT PCR TestsGlobal Health Security in Development (GHSD) [View Data]( Describes the test conducted and its results. Multiple tests can be conducted for each...

suggest to index

Nerpel, A., Yang, L., Sorger, J. et al. SARS-ANI: a global open access dataset of reported SARS-CoV-2 events in animals. Sci Data 9, 438 (2022). fyi @kephelps

from - ![Screenshot from 2022-08-16 10-07-51]( ![Screenshot from 2022-08-16 10-08-46]( fyi @Jegelewicz

as shared by @qgroom and @ajacsherman suggest to index

@Daniel-Mietches suggest to investigate using CiTO annotations for literature lists, and perhaps also refutation records.

as suggested by beckettws -