Jaehong Park
Jaehong Park
I tried to connect to the ARTIK samsung's cloud using mqtts But I got errors like below. [MQTT INFO] Connecting to server,45858 [MQTT INFO] Creating SSL object... [MQTT INFO]...
There is reason code 5 error. What is this error? [MQTT INFO] Connected to server [MQTT INFO] Sending MQTT CONNECT message, type: 1, id: 0000 [MQTT INFO] Reading MQTT...
Can we use bluetooth a2dp and alexa/google service at the same time? I tried to port a2dp sink demo code on alexa example, but there was an overflow error.
I have two questions. 1.Once I downloaded the alexa example, it looks like I can't change ssid name. How can I reset the ssid and password? 2. After I deregistered...
There is a connection error. see below. alexa.boeckling.net normally uses encryption to protect your information. When Google Chrome tried to connect to alexa.boeckling.net this time, the website sent back unusual...
From the audio play directive, some url can be playable and some are not. How can we change the url as playable ? handle_directive: {"directive":{"header":{"namespace":"AudioPlayer","name":"Play","messageId":"06f886e4-aaba-4cc9-b211-b01f478a5e9d"},"payload":{"audioItem":{"audioItemId":"amzn1.as-ct.v1.Dee-Domain-Music#ACRI#url#ACRI#35714fe5-f8db-4204-8e6b-2d30b7ea0de5:1","stream":{"offsetInMilliseconds":0,"expiryTime":"2019-04-12T18:29:47+0000","progressReport":{"progressReportDelayInMilliseconds":1000},"url":"https://d29r7idq0wxsiz.cloudfront.net/DigitalMusicDeliveryService/HPS.m3u8?m=m&dmid=200000299180242&c=cf&f=ts&t=10&bl=256k&s=true&e1=1555094700000&e2=1555094700000&v=V2&n=QZDMHAEPXVPVI&h=c6258a02079ff653280d03975e73feedc5bbe4096d61d780b3be57481790b5ba","token":"amzn1.as-ct.v1.Dee-Domain-Music#ACRI#url#ACRI#35714fe5-f8db-4204-8e6b-2d30b7ea0de5:1"}},"playBehavior":"REPLACE_ALL"}}} playing url https://d29r7idq0wxsiz.cloudfront.net/DigitalMusicDeliveryService/HPS.m3u8?m=m&dmid=200000299180242&c=cf&f=ts&t=10&bl=256k&s=true&e1=1555094700000&e2=1555094700000&v=V2&n=QZDMHAEPXVPVI&h=c6258a02079ff653280d03975e73feedc5bbe4096d61d780b3be57481790b5ba********************handle_play_directive[69]***************** web_radio_start 134...
Last year I asked what I should do to get amazon music service porting in this application? Could you let me know? Thanks.
I'm implementing this application on different ARM processor. In the meanwhile , I got SSL error 54 like below. But I can't find what causes of this. Could you let...
I have an error like below when I start aac decoder. I (47596) audio_player: created decoder task: fdkaac_decoder_task E (47596) fdkaac_decoder: malloc failed 88 I (47606) fdkaac_decoder: aac decoder finished