Joe Estrella
Joe Estrella
I'm actually having trouble with that. Not sure if that actually works. ``` $('#backlogEditModal textarea[name="description"]').wysihtml5({ image:false }); ...... $('#backlogEditModal textarea[name="description"]').data("wysihtml5").editor.setValue(data.description); ``` Gives me > Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'setValue'...
So does this means JFoenix out-of-the-box has no colors at all? Can anybody clarify on this?
Any news on this? Seems like we have to log the user out all the time just to prevent "Unauthorized" errors.
The code that generates the user token: ``` $user = Socialite::driver('github')->user(); ``` The authentication codes I use: ``` $github = new Client(); $github->authenticate($user->token, null, Client::AUTH_HTTP_TOKEN); ```
LOL. What did I just read?