Jhonathan Candeu
Jhonathan Candeu
Instale o pacote do open cv. Vai no terminal do windows e digite: `pip install opencv-python` Precisei instalar esse pacote aqui no linux tambem.
Funcionou pra mim aqui na ide 2021. Thanks!
> > > We are lucky to have experienced a failure of GitHub, so it's not your fault. > > > > Should we just wait for them? I have...
You can do this in your own bot, forward messages to your bot and add some filter there
This worked for me. ``` sudo apt update sudo apt install git git clone https://github.com/kelebek333/rtl8188fu sudo apt install dkms sudo dkms add ./rtl8188fu sudo dkms build rtl8188fu/1.0 sudo dkms install...