Thank you very much for your answer. The android version is 7.1.1. I have done both tests on the same device. From Delphi Tokyo. The same directory, the same paths,...
Hi. Zeus64. I do not know if I understood correctly. Deplyment.exe is used for versions prior to Android 6.0.0? Or maybe you have to use it always? Thank you very...
Sorry. I have tested the app on the same device, (Samsung Galaxy A8 2018) including all the files in the "Alcinoe \ lib \ jar \ com.alcinoe \ res" directory...
HI. This project run perfectly on my device. [ALFmxControls2.zip](https://github.com/Zeus64/alcinoe/files/2577512/ALFmxControls2.zip) And this .apk Crashes on ..... "Aseguradoras/Nueva". "Clave" (Key to enter) is "Prueba" I hope help you. [CitAgen.zip](https://github.com/Zeus64/alcinoe/files/2577567/CitAgen.zip)
And here is the complete directory with all the sources of the two programs. Maybe it will help you better. Complete path is "D: \ Dev \ Alcinoe \ demos...
Hi, Zeus64. Do you have enough information? If you need anything else, please let me know. Best regards.
Sorry. I hit the wrong button.
I have found out in which situation the first problem occurs. This means that the inner frame is not resized correctly when the "TAlMemo" or TAlEdit components are included in...
Thank you very much Zeus64 for your interest. But I'm sorry to tell you that the newest version of Delphi I have is Tokyo. I can not try it on...